October Favourites

Hello people! Hope everyone are safe, healthy and happy. I took a small break to take care of my health and now I am back with my posts. Today I am going to share with you my October month favourites.



Good food is good mood isn’t it? I was in a bad mood and wanted to eat something tasty and at the same time takes less than half an hour to cook. I made this paneer (cottage cheese)65 biryani and it was really yummy. I was growling like an angry dog when my husband tried to talk with me and after I had my food I started annoying my family like the puppy which forces you to play, which implied I was just hangry. So if you are in a bad mood, I would suggest you to eat something and fill up your tummy, you may actually feel better. Well, long irrelevant story short, this was my October favourite in food category.


I was browsing through Netflix for a different genre other than romance and horror. I came across the above image and decided to see it. I had literally zero hopes on the movie and surprisingly I liked it. A group of people wake up and find out that they have to vote someone in the group one by one in the Survival of the fittest game. Some use strategies and some use sentiments and emotions to keep themselves alive. Who all manages to escape from this situation and what happens to them next, forms the crux of the story. It was really engaging and I think this movie is a survival horror psychological thriller. (In case such, genres exist🤪)


I hear this song if I have trouble sleeping. The soothing, breezy romantic number just calms me down and I just love this song. I am not able to pen down how it feels, with the gentle guitar and cello strings. Just hear it once with headphones and let me know how you felt guys! Songs like these, reminds me that music is the most wonderful creation of mankind.

TV Series

Strictly for people who love this genre and doesn’t get disturbed by serial killers and their confessions. When I watch such movies, I always think why these serial killers behave like this and what triggers them to do such insane acts on people. It all comes down to disturbed childhood, if we parent a child, our only responsibility is to make them good human beings at any cost. Coming back to this series, I feel the success of this show, is the uncanny resemblance of the actors who took up the serial killers’ role. More than the original killer, the actors give us an eerie feeling with their performances. And finally, without any such blood curdling scenes, the actors make our heart thump leaving all the scenes to our imagination. And guys! Once again strictly for people who can handle such a storyline.

Favourite thing

We bought this remote controlled car for my daughter. And ever since, me and my kid fight over who is going to drive the car. Within the 10 days, we have used up 10 batteries for this car alone and I am thinking to give the car and our money a rest in this new month.

That’s it for the post guys. Let me know what are your favourite things of October. I would love to hear from you all.

Until next time,

This is Divya signing off.


  1. I love biryani! Wow, Circle sounds really interesting – I’ll have to check it out. I didn’t know that you had a daughter! Aw, you guys sound really cute together. It reminds me of when my mother bought me a remote-controlled horse that could walk around and flashed a happy face if you stroked it or an angry face if you didn’t ‘feed’ it with a plastic apple that had a sensor on it.

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  2. Lovely interesting, I enjoyed reading your story and thank you for sharing. I do feel for briyani now ☺️My girls are often hangry and apparently they get it from me 😉 so that’s our motto around here, eat when you upset. It’s also officially spring here and I love our highveldt storms. Although it can be destructive sometimes but it always brings hope as well, everything gets really green and new growth spurts out everywhere and this is so uplifting to my soul

    Liked by 5 people

    • Thank you so much dear😊 I think you have an Hangry squad at home🤗 ohh I love spring too.. growth for the plants and trees and a feast to our eyes❤️ I wish you a great November and happiness always🥰

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